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Military training education


1. Planning the education program:

We plan the curriculum (as the optional course for freshmen and
sophomore year) according to the curriculum standard, national
security, national defense technique, theory of military affairs
, battle history, study of arms, and military training and nursing.
training and nursing.

2. Teaching practice:

In order to refine military training education and improve the
quality of instructors, we organize the Teaching Program for
instructor, and discuss with the essential officer group during
winter and summer holiday.

3. Strictly examining the education:

With the teaching assessment practice and review, we encourage the
instructors improve their teaching skill and be well prepared for the
lesson. For those could not be able to fulfill the requirements, we will
consult with them or encourage them to have an early demobilization
and pursue other career.

4.Counseling for reserve officer examination:

In order to assist the university's graduates pass the examination of
reserve officer, we distribute the past year paper for those candidate
and request the related teachers guide them.
The selected instructors will be assigned to every exam area to stand
ready for assistance for assistance. We handle the reserve officer
examination matters with actual working experience.